This is a fine museum-quality polish based on an old family recipe from England. It is made from beeswax with a little carnauba wax and deodorized mineral spirit solvent. We use deodorized mineral spirit solvent because it contains no aromatic hydrocarbons, which are carcinogens. It is easy to use and gives a delightful shine on wood, stone, marble & concrete.
7oz covers approximately 400 sq feet
Apply a little with a lint-free cotton cloth or bedsheet. The secret is to use the polish sparingly; apply it very thinly over the surface. Wait for about 5 minutes, and buff lightly with a different cotton cloth or sheet. If the wood is still dry, try a second application, or if it is really dry, try a third one! Then as Roger’s Mum emphasizes, SIT BACK AND RELAX. Re-apply from time to time.